General Teen Social Media & Technology Stats

93% of teens ages 12-17 go online 69% of teens have their own computer 63% of teen internet users go online every day 27% of teens use their phone to get online 24% of teens with a game console use it to go online 73% of teens are on a social network The average teen has 201 Facebook friends 37% …

Play Station 4

The PS4 is the most powerful games console on the planet and it's now been on the shelves and in living rooms for over nine months. With more graphical power than the Xbox One, 32 times more system memory than the PS3 and a firm focus on pure gaming experiences rather than media might, the PS4 has established itself as ...

Apple working on 12-inch MacBook

Apple could be working on a slew of new products including a brand new 12-inch MacBook with a Retina display, if analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities is to be believed. Kuo, who's had a decent record when it comes to Apple related predictions, has mentioned some new products and upgrades in a new research note. The development was first ...

Apple Technology

Apple was accused of employing a marketing gimmick recently when it announced a new 64-bit processing core for the A7 ARM chip, which powers the new iPhone 5S. The benefits of moving to 64-bit processing on mobile devices aren’t yet clear, but that hasn’t stopped other ARM chip makers from lining up to mention their own 64-bit plans. Nvidia announced ...